How to use PhoenixMiner with HiveOS

We’ve noticed that many of our miners are testing new mining OS from time to time. And the setup process turned out to be not as obvious as it should be. Thanks to one of our miners, @amsavin, we’ve got a very interesting case we want to share with the community now. Below you can find the settings for the HiveOS+PhoenixMiner and bundle.

How to set up the pool at HiveOS and PhoenixMiner

1. Sing into your HiveOS account, go to the Flying Sheets section, and create a new Flying Sheet.
2.In drop-down menus set the following:

  • Coin — ETH
  • Wallet — the wallet you’ve added in the point 2 (which is your username on Minerall).
  • Pool — Minerall, EU server enabled.
  • Miner — Claymore Dual/Ethminer/custom (currently Minerall doesn’t support dual mining, so we don’t recommend to choose Claymore Dual).
  • Name — your Flight Sheet name (could be any).

If you would like to use Phoenix miner — choose «custom miner» option. In the Miner field choose the Setup Miner Config option and use settings as follows:

Pool URL — %URL%

Extra config arguments — use the following parameters:
-proto 4
-wal evgeniy.%WORKER_NAME%
-pass x


4. Apply Changes.

5. Your final settings should be as follows:

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